Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Advertising and its affects on children Research Paper

Advertising and its affects on children - Research Paper Example ising is an important tool for making the organisation successful as advertising creates awareness to the consumers that a certain product and service exists in the market. The effects of advertising can be both positive and negative. It basically depends on the individual as to what extent has the advertising message been interpreted. The old generation may know how to perceive the messages of advertising but some young people, especially children may have affects of advertising in a negative way. Children are immature and they don’t know what is right or wrong for them. Some advertisements may have highly negative impacts on the children. The advertising company focuses on making the advertisements attractive so the people become attracted towards the products or service but children may be affected negatively. It is difficult for parents to avoid their children from viewing the advertisements that are run on television. Parents may have to work upon monitoring their children very carefully while the watch TV and this can be a very difficult thing to do as to take out time for this is also difficult for parents. The advertising process allows the children to gain knowledge about the different types of products that are available in the market especially the various technological innovations taking place in the products. Play stations, X-Box and other such types of games are of high concern to children and they get to know more about this through the advertising channels. Also the different types of products, that is for children come into their knowledge through advertising. Chocolates, and other such food products, children tooth pastes and shampoos etc are all of high interest to the children. These products are used by the children on a daily basis and their importance and positive effects are usually demonstrated in the advertisements. The other positive affect of advertising is that the advertisements are made so attractive that it convinces the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Communication Models: Overview and Analysis

Communication Models: Overview and Analysis Digging deeper into communication models, the research done by theorist and communication experts alike has helped the future generation to at least have a brief idea of what a communication model is. In this era, whereby the world is getting smaller coined the Global Village (Marshall McLuhan) communication has risen to new heights due to its importance. The understanding of communication would further enhance a mans understanding of how to communicate with efficiency and efficacy. The rise of the Internet has also changed how communication works whereby the former and commonly used type was direct communication (face-to-face) and it changed into communication that was based more on writing as more and more people are hooked to the Internet. A communication model would help with discovery of the difference in relationships between the different types of communication and how manipulative variables change efficiency, reach etc. A communication model would also clarify complex understanding of communication into a more disciplined, order and simple form of communication. Though models of communication has its advantages yet because of its simple nature could lead to oversimplifications, such as quoted There is no denying that much of the work in designing communication models illustrates the oft-repeated charge that anything in human affairs which can be modeled is by definition too superficial to be given serious consideration. Duhem (1954) thus a model may attempt to mirror real life information but in reality it is impossible to truly model real life communication. Therefore, communication models are generally divided into two, linear model and non-linear model, the former neglecting feedback of receivers, external factors etc. The linear model adapted a mathematical approach to communication based on codes that are decoded and encoded. The model dictates communication is possible only if two people share the same code whereby in this case is the same language. Language is the bridge that connects human thoughts into strings of sound, syllables and words and like any other computer in order to translate it requires the same code system. This means, an example if a person wants to transfer his/her thoughts it would be encoded into language then the message is delivered through a channel that is later on decoded by the receiver/recipient. Thus the introduction to the encode-decode model of communication, the linear model though revolutionary in communication introduced by Lasswell and later on enhanced by Shannon-Weaver model (Shannon, 1948) including noise into the communication. The main defect of these models are that it is linear and robotic, dictating that communication has  a beginning and ending while in reality communication does not have such limited specifications under communication. Linear models do not generally take into account how humans interpret meaningsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the encode-decode model assumes that meaning is objective and can be captured in a fixed correspondence between aspects of the world and some system of representation (Lund and Waterworth) Thus, Schramm introduced the circular model that acknowledges communication is not linear and that emphasizes the circular nature of human communication, in which the roles of source/encoder and receiver/decoder interchange. In furtherance of a nalysis, the sample used is the Circular/Interactive Model of Osgood and Schramm. Wilbur Schramm and Osgood introduced the Circular Model, 1954 were one of the first to alter the mathematical model of Shannon and Weaver. The reason behind Schramm coming up with the circular model was to overcome the limitations of linear models. In fact, it is misleading to think of the communication process as starting somewhere and ending somewhere. It is really endless. We are little switchboard centers handling and rerouting the great endless current of information.(Schramm W. (1954) quoted in McQuail Windahl (1981). All communication process starts with a person that has a thought or information to pass on to other people. In the interactive model, that thought would first go through an element called the encoder, which will change our thought into codes. Encoding is actually an act of translating specific thoughts into codes (message) that is then transferred to another person, which will decode the codes (message), and interpret the meaning. The second part of the communication, is the feedback/response of the person to the particular code (message) that goes through the process of encoding, and then delivered back to the original sender. The difference here is that the circular model acknowledges the circular nature of human communication that is endless. An enhancement of previous linear models whereby the sender and receiver vice versa changes role depending on the communication. This helps improve the understanding of communication between two people rather then a one way linear model that does not represent the nature of communication in real life. The Circular Model is a dynamic model that shows how a situation can change and that communication is not generally one sided. The Circular Model also raises the importance of redundancy and that it is an essential part of communication, due to the fact that communication moves in a circular manner. Another advantage of the model is that it does not separate between sender and receiver, both sender and receiver is the same person. A more active communication models rather then the linear model that assumes passive receivers. The Circular Model emphasizes on the feedback feature to be central of the communication model, where models before failed to incorporate. The Circular model is not free from defects; one being the most highly criticized is that it does not incorporate the noise feature included in Shannon-Weaver model (Shannon, 1948). Noise is anything that influences effective communication and the interpretation of the code (message). Noise may have profound effects on interpretation of communication but is usually overlooked. Noise can be divided into three categories, which are Semantic Noise, Psychological Noise (internal noise) and Physical Noise (external noise). Understanding noise is essential in improving further the communication models. External Noise is anything outside the person that may distract the efficiency of communication, such as sight, sound, smell, and environment such as crowded environment. Whiles Internal Noise is anything that influences thoughts, feelings during communication such as hunger, headaches and fatigue. The final one is Semantic Noise which encoding errors by the sender which is not understood by the receiver such as writings in articles by the use of jargons or unnecessary technical language. Application of the circular model would most probably mirror communication limited to only 2 people. The Circular model is limited to that specific use since it fails to incorporate context and the surrounding nature and growth development of the individual. Room for improvement of the Circular Model (1954) has been made through the Helical Model (1967) attempting to show that the growth of communication is forever evolving and limitless. The extent of its growth depending on the development of the individual throughout his life and including individual factors such as environment, economic and relations change over time. As communication moves forward so does the form of such communication, therefore it is a need to take into account of the different for such as the epidemic growth of social media changing the communication as there is more reliance of the things said rather then the non-verbal messages sent in the past with direct communication. Based on extended reading, improvements of the Circular model taking into account present communication settings. Macintosh HD:Users:syafeeqz:Desktop:College:COmm:Templatechart.jpg Based on the Communication Model above, it clearly looks similar to the Circular model. The difference is the enhancement of noise in the middle section of the model. Message is changed into distortion; to infer that noise plays a part in the message sent thus naming it distortion. What this model represents is a more suitable approach to real life communication, as it incorporates the underlying factors of intention, perception, relationship and the context of communication while acknowledging all three types of noise. First of all, intention of the communication does have significance as if the intention was transactional it is specifically goal-oriented thus would affect interaction to achieve such goals. On the other hand, if the intention were of socializing purposes and demonstrating social intimacy with the receiver/counter-initiator thus the distortion (message) would be interpreted differently. As an example, the differences of response to sellers as compared to friends and family. The attention span/level is also based on such intentions. Intentions can also recognized as inference. Inference in this sense means humans communicate far more meaning than they ever encode linguistically. A perfect example is the use of the word Its gone, the ambiguity of linguistics fail to define the complete meaning of intention in language and the interpretation is inferred by the receiver/counter-initiator. Next, the relationship between initiator and receiver also governs the communication model such as symmetric power relationship between to friends, both with equal rights to speak as compare to a asymmetrical power relationship between and employee and employer would change the distortion (message) taking into measure the authority of the employer. Furthermore, the context is a combination of both the intention and relationship mixed with the location, time and noise during the communication thus turns into a major influence as how distortion (message) is received and the response given. An example to display such context, is the comparison of initiators/rebound distortion (message) during at work with a colleague compared too the distortion at home with a family member, while in both cases explaining the accident that took place while on the way to work. The context changes so much that the variables are limitless, while at the office the explanation of such event may be more dramat ized and exaggerated since it just happened, and also the fact that the receiver/counter-initiator is a colleague while at home the explanation of the same event would be shorter due to the redundancy, fear of the family members response and so fourth. The nuclear signed used was to signify the limitless boundaries of such context and the different combinations that may occur combined with the different types of noise that play a subtle role in influencing communication. The model incorporates all three types of noise that is semantic, external and internal. What differs from other models is it also features other major factors such as perception outwards toward the each other and perception inward of oneself. Example, if we perceive of what we are listening too in the radio is false thus the whether it is true we tend to ignore the distortion (message) this is called selective perception. Schramms model though outdated and has been improved with numerous other models; it remains to be the cornerstone of communication models, with the model centered on the theory of feedback. Schramms model is of use in todays social media lifestyle since social media relies mainly on the two-way circular nature of communication.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Seeing a family member taking medication can be very frightening for an eleven year old child, for me however, it was fascinating to see how a single pill can affect the human body. Ever since, I’ve been intrigued by how something so small could have such an impact on one’s quality of life. Over the past years I developed an interest in the science involved in drug discovery, mechanisms and the effect of drugs on body metabolism. Pursuing a career as a pharmacologist; I feel compelled to contribute to the exciting and ever changing field of pharmacological science that has the power to save someone’s life. Studying chemistry and biology at A-level; I have come to appreciate their value within the context of health. In biology, I am fascinated with how the nervous system behaves in the presence of certain chemical compounds found in existing drugs. An area of study during my A2 chemistry course is ‘what’s in medicine?’ I found this topic thought-provoking as it helped me develop my knowledge of how medicinal drugs are synthesized. Furthermore it aided me to comprehend the effect of ... Essay -- Seeing a family member taking medication can be very frightening for an eleven year old child, for me however, it was fascinating to see how a single pill can affect the human body. Ever since, I’ve been intrigued by how something so small could have such an impact on one’s quality of life. Over the past years I developed an interest in the science involved in drug discovery, mechanisms and the effect of drugs on body metabolism. Pursuing a career as a pharmacologist; I feel compelled to contribute to the exciting and ever changing field of pharmacological science that has the power to save someone’s life. Studying chemistry and biology at A-level; I have come to appreciate their value within the context of health. In biology, I am fascinated with how the nervous system behaves in the presence of certain chemical compounds found in existing drugs. An area of study during my A2 chemistry course is ‘what’s in medicine?’ I found this topic thought-provoking as it helped me develop my knowledge of how medicinal drugs are synthesized. Furthermore it aided me to comprehend the effect of ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Freudian approaches to Tennessee Williams’ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Essay

I will discuss how Freudian theory ties in with the issues featuring in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Sigmund Freud the founder of psychoanalysis came up with a theory of the unconscious mind, he identified that sexual desires are the primary motivational energy of human life. William shows this in play by Margaret’s sexual desires for Brick keeps her energy up and gets her to keep trying to get Brick’s affection. Big Daddy and Big Mama have fears and anxieties about Margaret and Bricks lack of children, and so does Margaret herself because she wants a share of the plantation. However this does not worry Mae and Gooper who are more than happy that they are prime candidates to become the owner of the plantation, Mae especially enjoy sneer at the fact that Margaret is childless â€Å"Mae: she’s childless because that big beautiful athlete of hers won’t go to bed with her† (97). The family especially Big Daddy and Maggie have doubts about Brick’s sexuality and try to confront him about it. Brick: â€Å"You think that me and Skipper were a pair of dirty old men?† (pg 77). Symbolism definitely shown in ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’, Bricks crutch can symbolise that he needs support, â€Å"Brick: no just give me my crutch† (27). The crutch can be seen as symbol that Brick is weak without skipper hence needs support. But it can also represent the fact that Brick has lost his masculinity ‘Brick: I’m getting softer Maggie’ (pg 31) and the crutch is his masculinity hence why he cannot go anywhere without it. The alcohol symbolises that Brick is trying to escape reality by making himself unconscious or in his words the ‘click’ which he says to be when he is peaceful with himself. However the excessive drinking by Brick can also mean that Brick cannot cope without Skipper. Repression of homosexuality in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof ties in with Sigmund Freud ideology, as Brick represses his feeling towards Skipper Brick: â€Å"I had friendship with Skipper – you are naming it dirty!† (pg 42).Repression is a defence mechanism and there are two stages, firstly the desires are pushed out from conscious into unconscious but this does not work for Brick as his feeling still surface. So the second line of defence is started this is where Brick is at in the book. Williams shows Brick as being reluctant to come out about his sexuality because he is brought up in an upper class family. One type of second line defence is overcompensation which is when a weakness is covered up by overcompensating on something else, in Bricks case is excessive sport. Then comes projection which is when you blame someone else; Brick blames â€Å"Maggie(79)† because she got â€Å"the idea (79)† that Brick and Skipper relationship was abnormal and that one reason why Skipper committed suicide. Then comes denial when protecting you from unpleasant reality which is seen in Brick as he tries to deny the truth when Big Daddy talks about it. Brick â€Å"YOU THINK SO TOO? You think me an skipper did sodomy†(77). Brick tries to justify it was Maggie who put dirty things into Skipper minding doubting himself about his sexuality, Brick trying to repress any arguments down to Margaret being jealous. Brick comes from an upper-class family who are highly respected from other people. The time when the story was set (1955) was a time when homosexuals were looked down upon and brought shame to their family. Brick is from a rich family, so he hides his sexuality so not to embarrass himself or his family, and marries Maggie to show that he is a man and tries to show his masculinity by being an athlete. Death features massively in the play, especially for Big Daddy who has cancer yet has been lied to by the family saying that he has a spastic colon. Big Daddy is also in denial because he himself knows everything is not alright because of the pain yet is putting a front on. Big Daddy and Big Mama have been told that he does not have cancer when he does and the only people that know are Mae and Gooper and Brick and Maggie. Big Mama is told her husband still has cancer later, but she says â€Å"it’s all a mistake† (93). Skipper is dead which makes Brick angry and blames his wife for the death. Margaret say is begging for Brick attention when she says â€Å"Skipper is dead! I am alive!†, but Brick does not want to believe that Skipper is dead â€Å"I tried to kill your Aunt Maggie, but I failed.† Brick definitely does not love Maggie and is shown in different way for example[She kisses Brick on the mouth which he immediately wipes with the back of his hand, (55pg).Bricks sexual desire keep surfacing no matter how much he is trying to suppress, so he tries to get his manhood back by jumping hurdles at the school athletic field but ends up fracturing his ankle. It shows that Brick is weak and helpless without Skipper. But also can be also interpreted to show Freud theory of sexual desires becomes energy for human life. Freud theory can relate to Cat on a Hot Tin Roof because unconscious and sexual desire relate to the character Brick who is trying to suppress his abnormal feeling from conscious to unconscious. In addition there is fear of death by Big Daddy and there are sexual desires.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Prejudice vs Discrimination Essay

Typewrite a 1 ? to 2 page paper comparing and contrasting prejudice and discrimination. Relate the use of stereotyping and racial profiling to prejudice and discrimination. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines prejudice and discrimination as: Prejudice (1) : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one’s rights; especially : detriment to one’s legal rights or claims (2) a. (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics. Discrimination (1) a. : the act of discriminating b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently (2) : the quality or power of finely distinguishing (3) a. : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually b : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment The main distinction between prejudice and discrimination is found in Michael LeMay’s definition of discrimination, where he says â€Å"Discrimination is applied prejudice†. As in the definition above, prejudice is some preconceived notion about an individual, a group, or a race that demonstrate some sort of judgment upon them. This idea of prejudice is usually kept inside of the individual, so as to have a quiet judgment among people. Discrimination, however, is prejudice put into practice. Those who discriminate actively practice prejudice; it is no longer kept inside, but rather openly practiced against the people. Prejudice is best described as an attitude towards a certain group of peoples based solely on their membership in that social or ethnic group, whereas discrimination are actions taken against those members, the behavioral manifestation of prejudice. The practices of prejudice and discrimination stem from an individual’s perception of a certain group ?these predetermined perceptions of a group usually come from stereotypes of a people, or racial profiling. LeMay’s definition of stereotypes is this: â€Å"Oversimplistic and Overexaggerated beliefs about a group, most often acquired second hand. These images are highly resistant to change†. Stereotyping often derive from social categorization and the idea of ? in’ group vs. ?out’ group. Social categorizations is sort of the lumping or classification of people into groups based on common characteristics among them, while the concept of the ? in’ group versus the ? out’ group is based on a ? we’ vs. ?they’ view, by Peter Rose. The difference between the two is that in social categorization, the person removes themself from their judgment, whereas in the ? we’ vs. ?they’ approach, the person is included among others in their judgment, but those judged are not part of their own majority group. This process of thought views ? we’ in favorable terms, and ? they’ negatively. The impact of stereotypes, as I have stated, directly affect the perceptions of a people in a negative light; when we think of those people, these traits come to mind ? when we meet people from this group, we will focus more on those traits and process them before others. Stereotyping affects our social judgments about a group of people: how much we like the person, our mood and attitudes toward the person, as well as our expectations from that person. Racial profiling is not much off from the principles of stereotyping. Racial profiling is the use of race as a consideration in suspect profiling or other law enforcement practices. This ties into stereotyping in that we suspect suspicious activity from a particular race or people based solely on their ethnicity. A common example of racial profiling would be â€Å"DWB† or â€Å"driving while black†. This is the practice of police or other law enforcement officers targeting African Americans for traffic stops because they believe that African Americans are more likely to be engaged in criminal activity (racial profiling, www. ethnicmajority. com). Overall, one could say that one instance leads to another. Stereotyping can lead to prejudice, which can lead to discrimination. Stereotyping fuels prejudice, though people are not willing to admit this ? they will not admit to stereotyping or being prejudiced, nor discriminating, yet all practices and beliefs of these are rampant today.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Macbeth Essay Essay Example

Macbeth Essay Essay Example Macbeth Essay Paper Macbeth Essay Paper Essay Topic: Trifles Macbeth: His Journey to the Dark Side Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, is one of the greatest Shakespearean tragedies written in the 18th century, a drama full of murder and revenge. By these mysterious prophecies of the three mystical witches, Macbeth is prompted to kill his dear ruler, and friend, Duncan, in order to seize the throne. This leads to ghosts, hallucinations, more murders, and other unnatural events, eventually resulting in the downfall of Macbeth. Macbeth develops and changes greatly, from a loyal, trustworthy person to corrupted and murderous man throughout the course of the play. Many factors affected the shaping of the character of Macbeth, including the witches prophecies and foil character, Banquo. This character shift caused by the witches prophecies and Banquo demonstrates how from supernatural powers to one of his closest friends, Macbeth is an easily affected person, which is leads to, and is the cause, of how significantly his character changes throughout the play. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth starts out as loyal and trustworthy person. To Duncan, he states, our uties / Are to your throne and state children and servants, / Which do but what they should, by doing everything / Safe toward your love and honor (Act 1 Scene 4, pg 10). Here Macbeth uses a literary device, analogy, where he compares the relationship between Duncan and himself to those of a child and father, or servant and master.

Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom Grades and Academic Achievement essay

buy custom Grades and Academic Achievement essay Student grades and academic achievement go hand in hand in many ways. Grades are as an evaluation tool to gage students comprehension of the subject matter, to assess their reading and writing skill and to determine their overall intelligence or ability level. Grades can also be used to determine other things about students. If a consistent A student starts failing tests or assignments, that may be an indication to teachers that the student may be experiencing a personal issue, such as trouble at home, drug use or health concern. In these ways, grades help teachers to establish and track students learning progress, intellectual growth and general well-being, which in turn enables teachers to provide appropriate opportunities for learning to foster academic achievement among students. By establishing a students grade point average, a teacher can learn how to fine tune instruction on both an individual and whole-group level. If a teacher sees, for example, that a student with a good or average grade point average starts receiving less-than-average grades, the teacher will be able to infer the students difficulty with that particular topic, chapter or concept and can provide extra help to improve student achievement. Or if a teacher gives a test and the entire class scores 20 percent lower than normal, the grades will indicate to the teacher that perhaps her instructional approach was ineffective and she will know to revise the lesson in order to reach students and foster achievement. Grade patterns can alo help teachers recognize and provide opportunities for bright students who arent being challenged or identify and differentiate instruction visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners. If, for example, a student consistently scores low on oral tests, the grades might indicate that the student is a visual or kinesthetic learner and the teacher can then provide suitable assignments to those learning styles, such as written exams or hands-on art projects. In these ways, grades are essential to academic achievement in that they can illuminate students learning needs, point toward ineffective instruction and help the teacher establish her students individual learning styles. Grades can also influence students academic achievement and performance on future assignments, tests and projects. Since grading consists of a scaled, weighted ranking system that ultimately determines a students ability to move forward or repeat a grade, grades can be used as a motivating factor both in and out of the classroom. A student with consistently average or even poor grades can be motivated to improve their scores when a teacher assigns special rewards to high marks. A student, for example, may be encouraged to put additional effort into his work if he knows that all students who receive a grade of A will be given a homework pass to use on the day of their choosing. On the other hand, students may study more vigorously for a test if they know that anyone who receives a D grade or lower will be required to participate in a one-week extra-help workshop during free period. Attaching lower-stakes, but releevant, consequences such as these to students grades can improve academi c achievement over time, especially among disinterested students who are particularly difficult to engage or motivate in the classroom. Important to note are the few negative or detrimental ways in which grades can impact academic achievement among students. If a grading system is not used properly, it can be ineffective or even harmful to students academic progress. To begin with, if a teacher does not chart the grades or is unable to establish and recognize the grade patterns of her students, the grades will not be effective in alerting the teacher of her students needs, as previously discussed. The grades alone are not enough to improve student achievement rather, their successful interpretation by an educational professional is essential to their use as a method to improve student achievement. In addition, graded assignments must be diverse in order to give all learners the opportunity for achievement. If students are only graded in one way, this can limit, hinder or even skew students performance results. If students are only graded on tests and quizzes, for example, students who are hands-on, discovery learner s will not have the opportunity to achieve because they are not being given an opportunity to demonstrate learning in a way that is suitable to their learning style or needs. By basing grades on a variety of assignments that include group work, presentations, written work and creative projects, the teacher will be able to provide all students with opportunities for academic achievement. Buy custom Grades and Academic Achievement essay

Sunday, October 20, 2019

12 Interesting Facts About Activist Grace Lee Boggs

12 Interesting Facts About Activist Grace Lee Boggs Grace Lee Boggs isn’t a household name, but the Chinese-American activist made long-lasting contributions to the civil rights, labor, and feminist movements. Boggs died on Oct. 5, 2015, at age 100. Learn why her activism earned her the respect of black leaders such as Angela Davis and Malcolm X with this list of 10 interesting facts about her life. Birth Born Grace Lee on June 27, 1915, to Chin and Yin Lan Lee, the activist came into the world in the unit above her family’s Chinese restaurant in Providence, R.I. Her father would later enjoy success as a restaurateur in Manhattan. Early Years and Education Although Boggs was born in Rhode Island, she spent her childhood in Jackson Heights, Queens. She demonstrated keen intelligence at an early age. At just 16, she started studies at Barnard College. By 1935, she’d earned a philosophy degree from the college, and by 1940, five years before her 30th birthday, she earned a doctorate from Bryn Mawr College. Job Discrimination Although Boggs demonstrated that she was intelligent, perceptive and disciplined at a young age, she couldn’t find work as an academic. No university would hire a Chinese-American woman to teach ethics or political thought in the 1940s,  according to the New Yorker. Early Career and Radicalism Before becoming a prolific author in her own right, Boggs translated the writings of Karl Marx. She was active in leftist circles, participating in the Workers Party, the Socialist Workers Party and the Trotskyite movement as a young adult. Her work and political inclinations led her to partner up with socialist theorists such as C.L.R. James and Raya Dunayevskaya as part of a political sect called the Johnson-Forest Tendency. Fight for Tenants’ Rights In the 1940s, Boggs lived in Chicago, working in a city library. In the Windy City, she organized protests for tenants to fight for their rights, including living quarters free from vermin. Both she and her mostly black neighbors had experienced rodent infestations, and Boggs was inspired to protest after witnessing them demonstrate in the streets. Marriage to James Boggs Just two years shy of her 40th birthday, Boggs married James Boggs in 1953. Like her, James Boggs was an activist and writer. He also worked in the automobile industry, and Grace Lee Boggs settled with him in the auto industry’s epicenter- Detroit. Together, the Boggses set out to give people of color, women, and youth the necessary tools to effect social change. James Boggs died in 1993. Political Inspirations Grace Lee Boggs found inspiration in both the nonviolence of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi as well as in the Black Power Movement. In 1963, she took part in the Great Walk to Freedom march, which featured King. Later that year, she hosted Malcolm X at her home. Under Surveillance Because of her political activism, the Boggses found themselves under government surveillance. The FBI visited their home multiple times, and Boggs even joked that the feds likely thought of her as â€Å"Afro-Chinese† because her husband and friends were black, she lived in a black area and centered her activism on the black struggle for civil rights. Detroit Summer Grace Lee Boggs helped to establish the organization Detroit Summer in 1992. The program connects youth to a number of community service projects, including home renovations and community gardens. Prolific Author Boggs penned a number of books. Her first book, George Herbert Mead: Philosopher of the Social Individual, debuted in 1945. It chronicled Mead, the academic credited with founding social psychology. Boggs’ other books included 1974’s â€Å"Revolution and Evolution in the Twentieth Century,† which she co-wrote with her husband; 1977’s Women and the Movement to Build a New America; 1998’s Living for Change: An Autobiography; and 2011’s The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century, which she co-wrote with Scott Kurashige. School Named in Her Honor In 2013, a charter elementary school opened in honor of Boggs and her husband. It’s called the James and Grace Lee Boggs School. Documentary Film The life and work of Grace Lee Boggs were chronicled in the 2014 PBS documentary â€Å"American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs.† The director of the film shared the name Grace Lee and launched a film project about well-known and unknown people alike about this relatively common name that transcends racial groups.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ground invetigation in South Florida and Hong Kong Dissertation

Ground invetigation in South Florida and Hong Kong - Dissertation Example This research is the best example of comparison between the two processes of ground investigations in the two countries Hong Kong and the South Florida state in USA. It shows that majority of ground investigation procedures in Hong Kong are involved with minerals and rocks contained on the subsurface. In Florida the process involves looking at the density and structures of soil types; this is to establish permeability to erosion. Geotechnical problems are similar with large parts having the same type of deposit. For example, the droughts occurring in the South Florida during the summers of 1947 and 1976 led to frequent observations of structural distress in houses founded on fatty clays such as the Clearly, when small structures are to be placed on such soils, their foundations will almost certainly need to go to greater depths this is dictated solely by the strength of the soil. This kind of problem is not the solitary example of its kind; Hong Kong clay regularly contains excessive amounts of soluble sulphates, this necessitates the use of sulphate battling cement. Additional instance chalk and limestone outcrops frequently contain filled dissolution features which may become unbalanced and collapse if erected upon. Another collection of problems that may be perceived from the geological map relays to the mixture of geological and topographical features. Cambering, valley protruding, gulls and dip/fault schedules are often connected to the margins of valleys wherever hard rock overlie clay. Gulls take the method of splits, often successively parallel to the deepest valley. ... There are three geographical areas: Atlantic coastal plain, Florida uplands and the East Gulf coastal plain, these make the geographical land areas of the Floridian landscape. They are structured as follows: The Atlantic coastal plain contains a landscape which is low; it also contains strips of sand bars, barrier islands and a number of coral reefs. Majority of lands are saturated with water during the rainy seasons. The east gulf coastal plan is land containing a barrier island and swamplands covering nearly the entire land. In the Florida uplands, the land is characterized by low rolling hills with red clay types of soils. Forests are majorly located in the upper South Floridian areas where water bodies are dominant. Geographical Features of Hong Kong Hong Kong is a country located in East Asia; with land approximately 1054 km3 and 500 m2 islands. The geographical areas of Hong Kong contain 3 main features which include: Hong Kong Island, New territories and the Kowloon peninsula. The land scape of the country is graded as fairly hilly, with other places having mountainous hilly steep slopes. With a territory of about 1092 square kilometers, only 25% of this is developed the others are localities for parks and other reserves. The soil in Hong Kong has a number of mineral deposits, with igneous activities primary responsible for this. Faulting has also been discovered as the other cause of mineral concentrations, this is as a result of hydro-thermal activity. The land use consists of 5% arable land, 1.01% permanent crops like forests and 93.94% being land for other uses. The countries lowest point is the South China Sea, while the highest point is the Tai Mo Shan (Rahman & Mushtoque, 2006, pp. 50). Another factor that influences soil

Friday, October 18, 2019

Talk bout racism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Talk bout racism - Essay Example William is described as a person who has a good sense of humor, in addition to loving his family (Petrini 1). He is a businessman and he hates to leave his family whenever he has to travel or attend to his businesses. William has been profiled on a number of occasions, and he is also guilty of profiling others. It is vital to note the interest that William has on knowing the American culture. This interest is motivated by his need to feel like a true American. The main theme in the story is the racial profiling of people from different backgrounds. For instance William profiled Fekadu when he came to pick him up from his house. During this instance, William glanced at Fekadu and concluded that he is a, â€Å"black man with a violent history† (Alexia 50). This conclusion was motivated by the fact that Fekadu had a scar on his neck. During their interactions, William learnt that Fekadu was learned and non-violent. He learnt that Fekadu studied physics and he was a jet-fighter pilot. However, he had to escape from his home, in Ethiopia, without informing his parents. The characterization of Fekadu and William impacts on readers because they are able to relate to their problems and issues. The two characters also have positive impacts on each other. The narration of the story using flashbacks and old dreams helps in the connection of the two characters and the instances of racial profiling. William’s insights and thoughts, and the theme of profiling enable the reader to analyze and think about each of the characters. The two characters are able to relate because they find themselves in similar circumstances. They are faced with problems such as racial profiling, family stability and their personal pains, hopes and fears. William does not like business trips that make him leave his family (Petrini 1). He fears that a racially instigated problem may arise and cause harm to his family. The

Many forms of Grief or your suggestion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Many forms of Grief or your suggestion - Essay Example Then his servants and finally his own family that his own son and daughters were not spared until finally Job was left nothing. The devil was ecstatic thinking that Job will break with the grief and suffering he is left with nothing because he will think that God has forsaken him. Indeed he felt pain and suffering and was at first angry asking why this happened to him. But eventually, he came to accept that everything has a reason and whatever happened to him is God’s will. His faith however was still intact despite of the trials he had been and still continued to love God. The devil was perplexed how can Job still love God despite what he had been through. Thereupon, God restored what was lost to Job for He saw that Job was a faithful servant of the Lord despite the trials he had been (Job’s Grief, nd). What Job went through can be likened to the Kubler-Ross five stage process of grief. First, he was in denial that all of his possession was taken from him because he wa s a faithful servant of the Lord. He was under the belief that he was under the protection of the Lord that no evil will come upon him. But evil did come and took away from him sparing him only his life. He went through the process of questioning why it happened to him and was upset albeit it was subtly expressed in the Bible. This stage was the anger stage of Elisabeth Kulber-ross whereby she posited that people experience anger after denial and this anger can come in many forms – either anger to oneself, others or anger with the situation (Axelrod, 2006). The third stage of Kulber-ross stage of grief may have been absent in the case of Jobs. He knew that he is dealing with mighty entities like God and therefore, he is not in a position to bargain or ask for concession and neither will God allow him to bargain as equal him only a mortal and a creation. The closest act that Job has done in this stage was to question why God allowed all those bad things to happen to him despit e him being a faithful servant. What Job went through the process in Kulber-ross stage of grief which is prominent in the Biblical account is the depression stage. This understandable because Job, despite his righteousness is still a man and therefore, vulnerable to pain especially when he lost his children and was left with nothing. It would be abnormal if Job did not feel depression when he lost his children just because he loved God. In the end, Job accepted his fate as the will of God and did not lose his faith. This stage is Kulber-ross acceptance stage whereby the grief process has been gone through and now accepting whatever caused the grief (Elizabeth Kubler Ross Grief Cycle model,nd ). This stage is providential to Job when he accepted his fate from God because he proved his faith and all that he lost was given back to him. My process of grieving almost followed Kulber-ross stage of grief with some stage more prominent than the other stage. But there is one thing that was n ot included in Kulber-ross process of grieving, that is my tendency to shut myself out when I do not feel good. I am not necessarily angry just like his stage of anger but would just like to spend time alone to think things over and to get over depression. Sometimes, I want to talk it to with friends just to unburden it off my chest. This stage is not in Kulber-ross but a lot of young people I know do this to deal with grief.

The poem the moment by margaret atwood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The poem the moment by margaret atwood - Essay Example The poem can be summed up thus: Whenever human beings start believing that they have mastered their environment and start believing in a misplaced sense of superiority over mother nature, then they are setting up their own doom. We as a species will always remain products of nature and to that extent subordinate to the wellbeing of our natural environment. Through the course of our planet’s history, we as a species are only recent arrivals. One day we will perish too, while Mother Nature with her mix of the animate and inanimate objects will continue to live and dictate terms. This poem assumes an added resonance, as it directly appeals to the environmental activism that is witnessed across the world today. Terms such as global warming and environmental degradation have started finding everyday reference in print and broadcast media, highlighting the critical juncture at which our planet is poised. The Moment is a valuable addition to the popular discourse on these subjects. The poem differs from others in the genre in that it easily lends itself to be paraphrased into expository prose. To the extent that this is true, the poem is not subject to various contrasting interpretations. In the poem, lines such as â€Å"house, half-acre, square mile, island, country† and words such as â€Å"trees†, â€Å"birds†, â€Å"cliffs†, â€Å"air†, â€Å"breathe†, etc make it adequately clear what the subject matter is, namely that of our natural environment. Treating these objects in nature as endowments of mother nature, one could propose a contrarian feminist interpretation of the poem. This would be to interpret planet earth and its resources as representing feminine qualities of creating and care-giving. And just as the subordination of women to men had held back human civilization for millennia, the subjugation of nature to our species is also a regressive idea. Hence, a careful reading of the poem reveals to the reader t he underlying didactic attitude of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sources of Power Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sources of Power Paper - Essay Example The motive of public leadership is to set a vision and motivate people to follow it with the purpose of ensuring unity. These leaders create a positive environment and promote shared standards and high performances filled with team spirit and trust. They also aim to drive successful actions and results collectively. The United States of America has a total of 435 constituencies and each have their own public leader. The federal government in the USA is not supposed to intervene in the policies of the constituencies set by the public leaders. These leaders may take help from the Congress who provides them with members to help them with their problems. The major role of the Congress is to provide service to the constituents by assisting them in providing members to win elections. These constituencies have their own voting and elections in which only the people of that constituency will be able to vote. Public leaders of constituencies can be elected by their constituents and their laws can be limited to their constituencies only (Rehfield, 2005). Constituencies in the United States of America are also known as electoral districts. These electoral districts were seen important in the American politics as they influenced the presidential elections. This was mainly because of certain groups that were not allowed to vote before the civil rights act such as the minorities. Electoral districts allowed the blacks to choose their own public leaders through constituency elections. The systems of these constituencies could be decided and created by the public leaders as far as they followed the American constitution. In 1963, the election system of Georgia was called unconstitutional and invalid as it violated the constitutional amendments. In America, the constituencies can have their own leaders and policies thus they can set rules according to their constituencies’ features and needs. This is because of the power which is assigned to them by the constitution and position. The source of their power is their position, their personal powers and through their people. Before the civil rights act, the blacks were discriminated from voting and participating in elections. The electoral districts have given the blacks representation from constituencies where they are in majority (Rehfield, 2005). In the same way, the rural areas have gained representation and participation in presidential elections. However, there are still constituencies where indirect discrimination exists against blacks such as the policy to allow voting to those who have driving licenses knowing that blacks couldn’t afford them. The public leaders elected in the electoral constituencies have constitutional powers. These elected members become the members of the House of Representatives. They are given the powers to create laws and policies for their constituencies. They also participate in the House of Representatives and present their views for their constituency. The pu blic leaders are assigned those powers that are not in the hands of the federal or state government. Some of the aspects are left for the constituency leaders who set laws according to their region’s needs and demands. They play an important role in bringing their constituents together and motivating them towards a single goal. The positional power is not based on the person’s conduct or behavior, but only on the number of votes that he achieved to gain that position. The US Supreme Court has concluded that the federal government cannot intervene in the lawmaking of the constituencies’ leaders unless they are unconstitutional. The public leaders also have personal power which is derived from their own expertise and knowledge. They are given the powers because of their skills and abilities to deal with them such as

Comparison Between Windows 7 And Mac OS X Essay

Comparison Between Windows 7 And Mac OS X - Essay Example It is shown that despite having nowhere near as much malware as on Windows, the Mac remains vulnerable although its usability and multimedia support are much better. The Macintosh OS X series of systems introduced in 2002 is based on Unix, specifically the FreeBSD and NetBSD implementations that were contained in the NeXTSTEP object-oriented system. Mac OS X enabled Apple to move away from its previous Mac OS operating systems, which lacked pre-emptive multitasking support and memory protection (Abu Rumman, 30). Mac OS X is POSIX compliant that is built on an XNU kernel. Originally designed for the PowerPC architecture, it is now made for the x86 architecture, the same as for Windows. The current version of the Macintosh operating system, as of March 2012, is 10.7.3 named Lion and the next version 10.8 named Mountain Lion is due later this year. The Windows operating system is made available in a number of editions including Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate. Windows 7 added su pport for a number of additional features such as virtual hard disks and handwriting recognition. It is considered to be a vast improvement over the previous Windows Vista, which was considered to be a disaster. ... OS 10.7 Company Microsoft Apple Minimum system requirements 1 GHz IA-32/x86-64 processor; 1 / 2 GB RAM; 16 / 20 GB free disk space Intel Core 2 Duo or higher processor; 2 GB RAM; 4 GB disk space for installation (OS X Daily, 2011) Retail price $119.99-219.99 $29.99 Variety of versions Six different versions including Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate A single all-in-one solution (with built-in server) Sources: Microsoft and OS X Daily Of the two systems, Windows enjoys the greatest market share. The main reasons for its dominance is the huge variety of hardware it can run on, the amount of developer support behind it and the amount of games that are available for the platform (Abu Rumman, 30). Apple instead enjoys a niche in the creative and educational markets. On the other hand, the Mac has the advantage of access to Apple's Mac App Store, it has a built-in browser that is better than Internet Explorer, it already has multi-touch support, suffers from much less malware than W indows, it has several features not present in Windows and it has better refinement overall (Reisinger). Examples of the special features are Resume, Air Drop, system-wide Auto Save, Expose, Spaces (virtual desktops), Mission Control, Time Machine and Remote Wipe. These make Lion well ahead of Windows 7 (Warne). With Lion, Apple also introduced a digital distribution method for greater convenience instead of the traditional physical selling method, which Windows is still following. In terms of usability, the Mac is renowned for being generally easier to use from being more intuitive and built on the principle of minimalism. Microsoft on the other hand, is generally more cumbersome and complicated with perhaps too many unnecessary elements that can cause confusion. As a simple example, if a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sources of Power Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sources of Power Paper - Essay Example The motive of public leadership is to set a vision and motivate people to follow it with the purpose of ensuring unity. These leaders create a positive environment and promote shared standards and high performances filled with team spirit and trust. They also aim to drive successful actions and results collectively. The United States of America has a total of 435 constituencies and each have their own public leader. The federal government in the USA is not supposed to intervene in the policies of the constituencies set by the public leaders. These leaders may take help from the Congress who provides them with members to help them with their problems. The major role of the Congress is to provide service to the constituents by assisting them in providing members to win elections. These constituencies have their own voting and elections in which only the people of that constituency will be able to vote. Public leaders of constituencies can be elected by their constituents and their laws can be limited to their constituencies only (Rehfield, 2005). Constituencies in the United States of America are also known as electoral districts. These electoral districts were seen important in the American politics as they influenced the presidential elections. This was mainly because of certain groups that were not allowed to vote before the civil rights act such as the minorities. Electoral districts allowed the blacks to choose their own public leaders through constituency elections. The systems of these constituencies could be decided and created by the public leaders as far as they followed the American constitution. In 1963, the election system of Georgia was called unconstitutional and invalid as it violated the constitutional amendments. In America, the constituencies can have their own leaders and policies thus they can set rules according to their constituencies’ features and needs. This is because of the power which is assigned to them by the constitution and position. The source of their power is their position, their personal powers and through their people. Before the civil rights act, the blacks were discriminated from voting and participating in elections. The electoral districts have given the blacks representation from constituencies where they are in majority (Rehfield, 2005). In the same way, the rural areas have gained representation and participation in presidential elections. However, there are still constituencies where indirect discrimination exists against blacks such as the policy to allow voting to those who have driving licenses knowing that blacks couldn’t afford them. The public leaders elected in the electoral constituencies have constitutional powers. These elected members become the members of the House of Representatives. They are given the powers to create laws and policies for their constituencies. They also participate in the House of Representatives and present their views for their constituency. The pu blic leaders are assigned those powers that are not in the hands of the federal or state government. Some of the aspects are left for the constituency leaders who set laws according to their region’s needs and demands. They play an important role in bringing their constituents together and motivating them towards a single goal. The positional power is not based on the person’s conduct or behavior, but only on the number of votes that he achieved to gain that position. The US Supreme Court has concluded that the federal government cannot intervene in the lawmaking of the constituencies’ leaders unless they are unconstitutional. The public leaders also have personal power which is derived from their own expertise and knowledge. They are given the powers because of their skills and abilities to deal with them such as

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Genocide and Sri Lankan Tamils Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Genocide and Sri Lankan Tamils - Essay Example The Official Languages Commission set up by the Sri Lankan government in 2005 provides figures for the ethnic divide in Sri Lanka. The Tamil speaking minority in the country make up twenty-six percent of the population, which consists of thirteen percent Sri Lankan Tamils, six percent Tamils of recent Indian origin, and seven percent of Muslims. Though the Tamil speaking minority constitute more than a fourth of the population, their presence in government service is a mere 8.31 percent. Such a situation has arisen from Sri Lankan actions since the gaining of independence by using language as a weapon. Thus language has remained a key element in the ethnic strife in Sri Lanka (Reddy, 2007). While the roots of the ethnic divide in Sri Lanka may be ascribed to the colonial past, when the British imported a large number of Tamils into the country from neighbouring India, actions of the Sri Lankan government since independence are the more definitive cause for the violence in the country. Since independence successive governments have taken measures to ensure that the Tamils were denied equal opportunities to professions and the public sector. Such actions interacted in a complex manner with the already existent Sinhala Buddhist exclusivism that slowly led to the persisting animated ideology in the Sri Lankan State. Two legislative actions were to cause the cleavage and subsequent decades of violence and the rise of the LTTE as a terrorist organization to take the lead against the Sri Lankan government. The 1956 â€Å"Sinhala Only† act, which removed English as the official language and replaced it with Sinhala, was to make the Tamils disadvantaged, leading to prote sts from the Tamils. The subsequent legislation in the early 1970s, which created communal quotas for entrance to universities thereby denying meritorious Tamils admission, was to inflame the Tamils and lead to violence and the call fro a

Monday, October 14, 2019

Construction Technology Design processes and Procedures

Construction Technology Design processes and Procedures The design process of a project can be very complex, there are multiple factors in which designers must take into consideration during the early stages of a project. Each factor plays an important role not only during the design process but they can also affect the life cycle of the project, therefore the RIBA plan of work is usually used which allows clear guidance on the roles of those involved and is easy to understand. Below is a brief description of the factors surrounding the Nottingham Jubilee Campus: Advanced Manufacturing Building Redevelopment project. Financial Finances are usually the first thing to consider on a new project as it can massively influence if the project is feasible or not. A budget is set in place and each stage of the design and production process is allocated an amount of money to keep within the budget. Running over budget can mean that the design may have to be adapted to keep the extra costs as low as possible which can affect the overall outcome of the project in terms of aesthetics and performance. Some projects can be funded by organisations that are involved or will benefit from the project, i.e. Local Authorities/Government, Stakeholders, Companies/Partnerships, residents and Students. Social A consideration must be made of the potential social impact of a proposed project, this can include: Impacts on residents The project should be designed so that minimal disruption is made both during the construction process and the operation of the project. Disruptive factors such as excessive noise and visual obtrusiveness will negatively impact the view of residents who will be affected by the project in their day to day lives. Environmental impacts The design should consider the local environment in which the building is to be placed. This can include higher pollution levels from increased traffic to and from the University Campus during the life cycle of the building and the impacts on local wildlife. Care should be taken to ensure that habitats that are removed are restored elsewhere so that the wildlife are not exposed to danger. It could also possible to design certain habitats into the project itself, through green roofs/walls and planted platforms. Economy Having an extension to a University Campus will provide a boost to the local economy. This can in turn lead to businesses expanding and providing more jobs to residents and potentially to the University Students. Client needs The Clients needs are incredibly important on a project, after all they are paying for everything. For a project, such as an extension to a University Campus, the clients needs will include: Fit for purpose classrooms The University has a duty to provide education to a high standard, providing classrooms that can achieve the high standards is essential. Security The safety of the students is the Universitys responsibility whilst on Campus, therefore having effective security measures in place is important. These security measures can include photo ID cards that allow access to the building through a card reader, security staff that patrol the premises and CCTV cameras. Energy efficiency There is a big focus on new buildings to be as environmentally friendly and sustainable through energy use due to the increased awareness of climate change. By providing ways in which energy efficiency can be increased, the running costs of the building will be lowered substantially throughout the lifecycle of the building. Legal Constraints The design of a building must comply with very strict Standards, Regulations and Laws. These practices are in place to ensure that any project is designed and built safely whilst providing construction guidelines. There may also be a contract in place which indicates what the client is receiving for their money.   Some of the legislations in place are: Building regulations Construction Design Management (CDM) Regulations British Safety Standards EN European Norm ISO International Standards Organisation Environmental There must be consideration for the environment during the design process of a project, the designers should not only consider environmental impacts during construction but also throughout the life cycle of the structure and eventually the demolition. Some aspects that should be considered are: Plant and machinery that is used on site to minimise pollution Materials: how they are manufactured, where they are sourced and the recycling possibilities Heat and power sources on site Water waste These factors should be considered to ensure that minimal impact is made on the local wildlife habitats and residents. There are multiple roles for numerous professions within the design team with each having a vital role. The roles and responsibilities for those involved are: Architect The architect is the person who initially designs the structure based on the clients needs/requests. There can be a group of Architects working together who are given a specific section/area to design if it is a large-scale project. Architects must ensure that the designs they create comply with the relevant regulations in terms of environmental, safety and the construction of the structure. An Architect will have a University Degree with relevant experience studying art.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

An Experiment to Find Out the Effect of Osmosis on Potato Cells :: Papers

An Experiment to Find Out the Effect of Osmosis on Potato Cells Plan ==== Apparatus:  · A borer  · 25 test tubes  · 5 test tube racks  · 2 potatoes  · A ruler  · A sharp knife Variables: Four different sugar solutions at 10%,20%,30%and40% and distilled water Hypothesis: I hypothesis that the higher the sugar the less the potato size will increase. I think this because I think it will be harder for the liquid to get in because it is denser. Using the borer make cuts into the potato and pull out the pieces of potato. Chop the pieces so they are 20mm long repeat process 25 times. This experiment must be statistically viable i.e. the potato pieces must be identical. If you come to a bad piece of potato discard it. Put all the pieces into individual test tubes. Using one of the solutions fill up 5 test tubes to exactly the same height. Repeat process for all the solutions. Put test tubes into racks and leave for 24 hours. This should be done as quickly as possible to ensure each piece of potato is immersed for exactly the same period of time. Research [IMAGE]Fig 1 Osmosis is the transfer of a liquid solvent through a semi permeable membrane that does not allow dissolved solids (solutes) to pass. Osmosis refers only to transfer of solvent; transfer of solute is called dialysis . In either case the direction of transfer is from the area of higher concentration of the material transferred to the area of lower concentration. This spontaneous migration of a material from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration is called diffusion. Osmosis will occur if a vessel is separated into two compartments by a semi permeable membrane, both compartments are filled to the same level with a solvent, and solute is added to one side. The level of the liquid on the side containing the solute will

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Wuthering Heights Essay -- Literary Analysis, Emily Bronte

When initially diving into a novel, it is common knowledge that there is an already preconceived agreement of trust that the reader instills in the story’s narrator. The reader virtually always relies on the narrator to illustrate the story in an honest unbiased manner, but the story teller in Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights appears to break the chains of trust understood by the audience. The novel is heard through the keen ears of Mr. Lockwood who is being told the history of the Earnshaws, Heathcliff, and the Linton family by his housekeeper, Ellen Dean. Establishing herself as the primary narrator, Nelly reminisces upon her experiences at Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. She fails to give Lockwood and ultimately the reader a precise narration of the affairs that took place in the past. Throughout her vivid flashback, Nelly on numerous occasions lessens the impact of her role and participation in certain events to keep her hands clean from the tragedi es that more or less ruined those among her presence at Wuthering Heights. As Nelly Dean embarks on her tale to Lockwood, she is caught uttering the words, â€Å"I am to follow my story in true gossip fashion† (Bronte 51). By her own confession it can be inferred that her account of what actually took place could quite possibly be exaggerated to tell a more fascinating version of the truth. It is apparent that Nelly creates the identity of herself as only being a key witness instead of the manipulating agent that she truly is. The fact that she has some sort of interaction with all the characters in the novel makes her more than just an onlooker. Furthermore, one critic reiterates that Nelly is too close to the action and is often up to her neck in the world of Wuther... ...ictions of duty; from which, it struck me then, all the misfortunes of my employers sprang. It was not the case, in reality, I am aware; but it was, in my imagination, that dismal night; and I thought Heathcliff himself less guilty than I† (Brontechp27). It is here that Nelly is no longer blinded by her own ignorance. She is one of the last to live but is cursed to tell a tale of wickedness just like the remaining survivor of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Nelly Dean’s poor narration to Mr. Lockwood is the housekeeper’s way to justify that she posses no blood on her hands. Her upbringing with the novel’s main characters gives her a poor choice in judgement and makes her extremely biased on how the story is portrayed. Nelly’s actions cause nothing but despair to the Earnshaws and Lintons, pushing the idea that she is the silent villain of Wuthering Heights.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Poseidon Essay

God of the sea, protector of all waters. Poseidon is the brother of Zeus. After the overthrow of their Father Cronus he drew lots with Zeus and Hades, another brother, for shares of the world. His prize was to become lord of the sea. He was widely worshiped by seamen. He married Amphitrite, a granddaughter of the Titan Oceanus.At one point he desired Demeter. To put him off Demeter asked him to make the most beautiful animal that the world had ever seen. So to impress her Poseidon created the first horse. In some accounts his first attempts were unsuccessful and created a variety of other animals in his quest. By the time the horse was created his passion for Demeter had cooled. His weapon is a trident, which can shake the earth, and shatter any object. He is second only to Zeus in power amongst the gods. He has a difficult quarrelsome personality. He was greedy. He had a series of disputes with other gods when he tried to take over their cities. Poseidon was the second son of Cronus and Rhea. In most accounts he is swallowed by Cronus at birth but later saved, with his other brothers and sisters, by Zeus. However in some versions of the story, he, like his brother Zeus, did not share the fate of his other brother and sisters who were eaten by Cronus. He was saved by his mother Rhea, who concealed him among a flock of lambs and pretended to have given birth to a colt, which she gave to Cronus to devour.[3] According to John Tzetzes[23] the kourotrophos, or nurse of Poseidon was Arne, who denied knowing where he was, when Cronus came searching; according to Diodorus Siculus[24] Poseidon was raised by the Telchines on Rhodes, just as Zeus was raised by the Korybantes on Crete. According to a single reference in the Iliad, when the world was divided by lot in three, Zeus received the sky, Hades the underworld and Poseidon the sea. In the Odyssey (v.398), Poseidon has a home in Aegae. The foundation of Athens Athena became the patron goddess of the city of Athens after a competition  with Poseidon. Yet Poseidon remained a numinous presence on the Acropolis in the form of his surrogate, Erechtheus.[2] At the dissolution festival at the end of the year in the Athenian calendar, the Skira, the priests of Athena and the priest of Poseidon would process under canopies to Eleusis.[25] They agreed that each would give the Athenians one gift and the Athenians would choose whichever gift they preferred. Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and a spring sprang up; the water was salty and not very useful,[26] whereas Athena offered them an olive tree. Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion, ca 440 BC The Athenians or their king, Cecrops, accepted the olive tree and along with it Athena as their patron, for the olive tree brought wood, oil and food. After the fight, infuriated at his loss, Poseidon sent a monstrous flood to the Attic Plain, to punish the Athenians for not choosing him. The depression made by Poseidon’s trident and filled with salt water was surrounded by the northern hall of the Erechtheum, remaining open to the air. â€Å"In cult, Poseidon was identified with Erechtheus,† Walter Burkert noted; â€Å"the myth turns this into a temporal-causal sequence: in his anger at losing, Poseidon led his son Eumolpus against Athens and killed Erectheus.†[27] The contest of Athena and Poseidon was the subject of the reliefs on the western pediment of the Parthenon, the first sight that greeted the arriving visitor. This myth is construed by Robert Graves and others as reflecting a clash between the inhabitants during Mycenaean times and newer immigrants. It is interesting to note that Athens at its height was a significant sea power, at one point defeating the Persian fleet at Salamis Island in a sea battle. The walls of Troy Poseidon and Apollo, having offended Zeus by their rebellion in Hera’s scheme, were temporarily stripped of their divine authority and sent to serve King Laomedon of Troy. He had them build huge walls around the city and promised to reward them well, a promise he then refused to fulfill. In  vengeance, before the Trojan War, Poseidon sent a sea monster to attack Troy. The monster was later killed by Heracles. Consorts and children Poseidon on an Attic kalyx krater (detail), first half of the 5th century BC. Poseidon was said to have had many lovers of both sexes (see expandable list below). His consort was Amphitrite, a nymph and ancient sea-goddess, daughter of Nereus and Doris. Poseidon was the father of many heroes. He is thought to have fathered the famed Theseus. A mortal woman named Tyro was married to Cretheus (with whom she had one son, Aeson) but loved Enipeus, a river god. She pursued Enipeus, who refused her advances. One day, Poseidon, filled with lust for Tyro, disguised himself as Enipeus, and from their union were born the heroes Pelias and Neleus, twin boys. Poseidon also had an affair with Alope, his granddaughter through Cercyon, his son and King of Eleusis, begetting the Attic hero Hippothoon. Cercyon had his daughter buried alive but Poseidon turned her into the spring, Alope, near Eleusis. Poseidon rescued Amymone from a lecherous satyr and then fathered a child, Nauplius, by her. After having raped Caeneus, Poseidon fulfilled her request and changed her into a male warrior. A mortal woman named Cleito once lived on an isolated island; Poseidon fell in love with the human mortal and created a dwelling sanctuary at the top of a hill near the middle of the island and surrounded the dwelling with rings of water and land to protect her. She gave birth to five sets of twin boys(the firstborn who being named Atlas) became the first rulers of Atlantis.[28][5][6][7] Not all of Poseidon’s children were human. In an archaic myth, Poseidon once pursued Demeter. She spurned his advances, turning herself into a mare so that she could hide in a herd of horses; he saw through the deception and became a stallion and captured her. Their child was a horse, Arion, which was capable of human speech. Poseidon also had sexual intercourse with Medusa on the floor of a temple to Athena.[29] Medusa was then changed into a monster by Athena. When she was later beheaded by the hero Perseus, Chrysaor and Pegasus emerged from her neck. There is also Triton (the merman), Polyphemus (the cyclops) and, finally, Alebion and Bergion and Otos and Ephialtae (the giants).[29]

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Piagets Theory

Connor Taylor AP Psychology Mr. OG Piagets’s Theory: Cognitive Development Developmental psychology is the study of human growth and development which occurs throughout the entire lifespan. Cognitive development is the beginning to the ability to think and understand. Cognitive development focuses on child’s development of information processing, conceptual resources, perpetual skill, language learning, and other aspects of brain development. Piaget has four stages to his theory: Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. Much of the research has gone into understanding how a child imagines the world.In Piaget’s view, early cognitive development includes processes based upon actions and it later changes in mental operations. The first stage of Piaget’s theory lasts from birth until about age two, and it based upon the baby trying to make sense of the world. During the sensorimotor stage the child uses skills and abilities t hey were born with such as looking, sucking, grasping, and listening to learn more about the environment. Object permanence is a child’s understanding that objects are still there even though they cannot be seen or heard, and according to Piaget it is one of the most important.By 18 to 24 months children begin to develop symbols to represent events or objects in the world, and children begin to move towards understanding the world through mental operations rather than through just actions. The preoperational stage occurs between about the ages 2 and seven. One of the milestones at this period is language development. Piaget states that at this stage do not yet understand concrete logic and are unable to take the point of view of other people. Piaget’s focus on this stage is what children could not do yet.Children lack the knowledge that things look different to other people and that objects can change in appearance while still maintaining the same properties In the â⠂¬Å"Three Mountain Task† children almost always choose the scene showing their own view of the mountain image. Before the age of 5 Piaget found that not many children showed an understanding of conservation prior to the age of five, many children found that the cup filled higher contained more liquid, though they each had an equal amount. The concrete operational stage starts at about age 7 and continues approximately until age 11.During the concrete operational stage children begin a better understanding of mental operations. Children begin to think logically, but do have difficulty understanding hypothetical concepts. Children have trouble using general principle to determine the outcome of a specific event according to Piaget. Piaget states that one of the most important processes in this stage is reversibility, and being aware that things can be reversed. The last stage is operational stage, the operational stage lasts from about age 12 and lasts into adulthood. During thi s period people learn the ability to think about abstract concepts.Logical thought, deductive reasoning, and systematic planning are all developed during the operational stage. Deductive logic is the ability to use a general principle to determine a specific outcome, and Piaget thought that deductive logic was very important during the formal operational stage. You use deductive logic in something such as hypothetical situations, and is also very often required in science and math. Children at the formal operational stage are usually able to plan an organized approach to problem solving and quite quickly, unlike when they were younger and tested things in a trial and error type way.Piaget’s theory of cognitive development provided great detail in how a child’s mind acts throughout life from birth, sensorimotor stage, all the way to adulthood, formal operational stage, and for the most part I agree with him. In the early life of a child they don’t understand anyt hing and have to develop, and to start they must use tools they do know how to do, the ones the obtained since birth and they are essential to the growth of a child.As a child developing they gain knowledge by interacting with the world, and every time they understand something new it completely alters their world, something such as just knowing something is there just because you cant see it alters the whole way a child sees the world and alters their knowledge greatly. I agree with Piaget’s steps in cognitive development throughout childhood, demonstrates how children develop very well and make sense, I agree with Piaget.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Grapes of Wrath Chapter 25 Analysis

The cold, soaked earth, which was a source of life not too long ago, abducts a young child while the mother can only watch hopelessly as the husband shovels mounds of dirt. This event is not too different than most that citizens living during the Dust Bowl had to deal with. The self-destructive nature caused the American people to keep expanding and shaping the land as they saw fit.Because of this they overworked the land which, combined with drought, caused the Dust Bowl. The big corporations soon bought out most of the land in the Mid-West and many families were soon forced to make their living by other means. The shift of these families out west to a limited number of jobs damaged the United States' economy. In Chapter 25 of the Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck summarizes the human nature of self-destruction causing the corporations to showcase their greed and how it affected the laborers of California.Steinbeck begins the section by painting a picture of California in (paragraph 1 and 2) in order to show how beautiful the country was when it was untouched by corporations. Steinbeck sets up many metaphors and images that he sums up towards the end of the chapter. He describes a beautiful California in which â€Å"fruit blossoms are fragrant pink† and flower petals â€Å"carpet the earth with pink and white. â€Å"; using spring colors such as pink, white, and green to how California was beautiful and peaceful.The beautiful, lush landscape that Steinbeck describes also draws parallels to the Garden of Eden when described as plentiful with fruit; so much so that â€Å"little crutches must be placed under them(the branches) to support the weight† just as the Garden of Eden was described as being plentiful with fruit; showing the transformation of a place that is generally regarded as the most beautiful place while also enhancing the degree of beauty that California has. Steinbeck describes the California hills as â€Å"soft as breasts† and how it â€Å"quickens with produce†; details that show how Steinbeck sets the state up to be a nurturing, pregnant mother.In (paragraph 3), Steinbeck starts to describe the type of men who work on the nurturing mother that is California. Steinbeck uses polysyndeton when describing these men show all wonderful qualities they possess, such as â€Å"understanding and knowledge and skill'† showing how highly Steinbeck regards these men; arguing that the men are of the highest order of human beings He then uses asyndeton to show the countless amount of plagues that the men's techniques can overcome such as â€Å"the molds, the insects, the rusts, the blights† again showing how important Steinbeck thinks these men are.Steinbeck continues to build these men up by describing them as â€Å"men of knowledge†; again referencing California as the Garden of Eden by comparing the men to the Tree of Knowledge which serves as foreshadowing as the Tree of Knowledge bore the forbidden fruit that caused the fall of man. Steinbeck continues his mother metaphor by depicting the men as children of the nursing California. In (paragraph 4 and 5) Steinbeck's tone and diction change as he describes the men as the years go by to show how the men are destroying the land they once carefully cultivated.He shows the shift of the men to destructive techniques by using words like â€Å"destroying† and â€Å"tearing† as opposed to â€Å"delicate† and â€Å"carefully† to further his idea that the men are changing. The fruit is no longer supported by the crutches but â€Å"sags down against the crutches† showing how the men are now actually destroying the land of their nurturing mother. Steinbeck begins his â€Å"grapes of wrath† metaphor by describing the grapes as â€Å"growing heavy†; signifying the rage that the common people feel towards the â€Å"men† who, in reality, are the large crop owners and the bank owners.The men are also â€Å"proud† of their ability to make the crops heavy with produce and â€Å"transform the world with their knowledge†; drawing parallels to the big bankers and crop owners who exploited the poor people in order to shape the world the their likening. Steinbeck finishes the section with another usage of asyndeton to describe all of the things that these men can do to â€Å"drive the earth to produce† or in modern terms: control the wealth of the country.In (chapters 6-13), the landscape of California changes for the worst as Steinbeck tries to describe the damage that the men have inflicted on California. Steinbeck's diction with words such as â€Å"rot†, â€Å"waste†, and â€Å"decay† associate the former Edenic Califronia with a deathly image. This diction corresponds with the shift in imagery that shows â€Å"meat turning dark and crop shriveling on the ground† along with â€Å"black shreds(of cherries) han ging from them(the seeds)†; further depicting the change of landscape of California.Instead of â€Å"valleys in which fruit blossoms†, the valley expels an â€Å"odor of sweet decay† showing the horrible state that California has turned in to under the guidance of the â€Å"understanding† men. Steinbeck also uses strong imagery to depict plentiful pears falling â€Å"heavily to the ground and splashing on the ground†; a symbol Steinbeck also changes the main theme of colors from the beautiful pink and green of the former California to a deathly black. Steinbeck also uses the vernacular of Californians to show the panic that the farmers feel by expressing such phrases as â€Å"We can't do it. and â€Å"We can't pay wages, no matter what wages. † putting the reader in to the mind of the farmers to experience that panic and desperation they felt. Steinbeck's strong imagery is used again to depict plentiful pears falling â€Å"heavily to the gr ound and splashing on the ground†; a symbol for the failing system the farmers have that is causing their lives to fall, splash, and explode on the ground. Paragraph 9 goes on to present an example of â€Å"rotten, wasp-stung† grapes that correlates to the â€Å"swelling† grapes of paragraph 1.The swelling grapes would be used to make fine wine that has a connotation of being beautiful and delicious while the rotten grapes would make an awful wine which is generally regarded as sickening and disgusting; nothing more than a concoction of mildew, formic acid, tannic acid, and sulphur. These two wines represent the country from which they are made, the good wine being the beautiful California and the sickening wine being the deathly country that the men created. (Paragraphs 18-23) show Steinbeck's complete opinion that the corporations or â€Å"men† and how they destroyed California and the lives of the oor. Steinbeck shows the sorrow of the situation by desc ribing the â€Å"carloads of oranges dumped† and then being burned along with the pigs being slaughtered then letting the â€Å"putrescence drip down into the earth. † He then chooses to reveal his thesis at the beginning of this section to signify his intent of exposing the injustices of the men. Steinbeck transitions from calling the farmers to â€Å"the people†; signifying that the poorly treated farmers are meant to be the American population of the 1930s.This is meant to show the injustice that the poor people had to go through and the greed that the corporations exemplified. The fruit that people come for is burned for no other reason than that it benefits the big crop owners; showing more injustices that the â€Å"people† endure. The oranges are â€Å"golden mountains† when they are being burned; an allusion to the way the men, or corporations, burned the soft green hills of the former California because of greed.In paragraph 22, Steinbeck u ses anaphora to show the succession of horrible events that the people endure culminating to a â€Å"failure that topples all success. † Steinbeck's usage of grotesque imagery such as the children dying of pellagra is meant to accuse the men of killing these children with their crimes. At the very end of the chapter, the anger is building in the people as the guards can see the â€Å"growing wrath† in â€Å"the eyes of the hungry. † The pregnant mother is again used, only this time she is â€Å"heavy with† or birthing the rage of the people.This is a call to action by Steinbeck meant to spur the impoverished people of California to revolt as Jim Casy and Tom did. Chapter 25 of The Grapes of Wrath serves as Steinbeck's critique of American society in the 1930s. He analyzes the events of the Dust Bowl and how American people and corporation heads reacted to it. Steinbeck that the laborers of America needed to rise against the big corporation in order to bet ter their lives. Steinbeck summarizes by calling the American people to act on the injustices that they endure and better their country.

Shipmaster Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Shipmaster Business - Assignment Example The rules are as follows (Giaschi, C2007); Dealing with letter (a), before the voyage began, the ship must be seaworthy meaning all systems including little details before the ship would have its voyage must be looked upon and be resolved in case of malfunctions and similar problems in order to ensure that the cargo ship including the goods that it transports are safe during the time of voyage as well as to comply with the expected time of arrival of the ship. In the case of the carrier ship, there are instances that the voyage master has to deviate from the planned route in order to respond from mayday due to malfunctioning of several parts particularly with the steering failure issue as the problem was addressed to the company but during those instances, the company failed to compensate the needs in which the cargo ship perhaps opted to have its voyage due to the fact that there are a lot of goods that are in need to be transported and this leads into voyage of the ship neglecting the standards that are prescribed by the said rule. If we are to further fathom the said premise, we might conclude that the ship opt to have its voyage due to the fact that there are a lot of cargo that are to be transported and time constraint is the main reason why the voyage pursue, in this case, the company has the liability on the issue of that the goods doesn't arrive on time due to re-routing as the voyage master has to declare mayday due to the malfun ctioning of the ship. In the case of the contaminated rice due to the presence of rodents on sacks which was later brought to the holds and later contaminated the goods stored in that particular case, the company has its right to invoke its exemptions on the liability on the basis stated in article II of the law. Amissah 1993, re-stated the rule under the said article as "Subject to the provisions of Article VI, under every contract of carriage of goods by sea the carrier, in relation to the loading, handling, stowage, carriage, custody, care and discharge of such goods, shall be subject to the responsibilities and liabilities and entitled to the rights and immunities hereinafter set forth." Shipmaster Business 3 Looking into the elements on the said article, in the loading stage, the person in charge in the said stage which is the second mate in which several goods has to be scanned before being boarded into the ship in order for the higher authorities in the ship to decide as to whether the goods has to be loaded or not. The second mate, have done his job relaying the sightings of the rodent in the containers containing the goods which would subsequently be a major source of contamination with other goods that are loaded within the same storage room. In relation to the fourth article in which the premises are stated much clearer than the second premise, it is stated in section 1 that ( 2007), "Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be liable for loss or damage arising or resulting

Monday, October 7, 2019

Employee Relations- 'Finder' Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Employee Relations- 'Finder' Case Study - Essay Example This has meant anarchy of sorts and with the soft warning that the union ‘UNITE’ has given to the management and top heads goes to show the problem is more than skin deep and a major catharsis is required which will solve the issue once and for all. From the organizational standpoint, management is stuck as to how it can retain its employees whilst asking them to attend office on a consistent basis. This is a problem which has haunted Finder Industries for a long time and a solution needs to be found to tackle the issue at hand. However, the problems are many and the alternatives in the wake of solutions are less (Willman, 2009). This paper will try to establish where the problem actually lies within Finder Industries and what the solutions should be. Also it will aim to determine where and how the directives need to be changed so that the employees can stop taking the company for granted and give it their best in even the most trying of times and circumstances. Further, there will be recommendations that would address the problems at hand and consideration would be paid towards the barriers that have a say in a very destructive manner towards the outcome of the issue. Also a reflective statement would be mentioned that would add on to the discussion so that the end results are comprehensible, engaging and decisive as far as solutions are concerned. The problem with Finder Industries is that the employees are not respecting the workplace at the moment. What is even more distressing to know is that the company is not doing much for itself to get respected within the eyes of the employees and workers. This respect comes from empathy for one another that would eventually act as a symbiotic force for the long term solutions that could be found for the sake of the Finder Industries. What is a problem now could be treated as one of the pathways towards finding a solution – if only there is such a comprehension achievable in the first place. The re spect factor must start from the top; however there are times when this respect issue could be understood by incorporating motivation and providing incentives to the middle and lower middle management domains. One can be sure when the respect factor for the sake of the Finder Industries would be available, many problems would automatically get resolved, and that too in an amicable fashion (Bruno, 2005). The need right now is to find out what would motivate the employees to start respecting where they work and how they can live up to the organizational name and raise its stature more and more. Moving ahead with the debate, Finder Industries is going through a tough time at the present because its rules and policies as far as the sick leaves are not properly designed. If this can be done in a proper way, perhaps there could be a pathway to finding new solutions to tackle the issue at hand. Finder Industries needs to know why its rules and policies regarding sick leaves and absenteeism of employees is not drafted in a proper way but then again this would mean that the company has not gone forward but is geared to go back. This must not happen (Moriconi, 2011). The approach should always be positive because it sends good enough signals to one and all within the organization. The best foot forward would be to determine if there is room to devise rules and policies which would be deemed as agreeable by the union ‘

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Connectivity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Connectivity - Essay Example In addition, in current business management arrangement we need to establish a centralized business operational management and supply chain management framework. This aspect would lead towards better business performance and corporate management. For the establishment of such a huge network we can have three imperative alternatives. These alternatives could comprise choices of physical transmission options, wireless connectivity options and satellite or Point-to-Point options for the overall business connectivity features. While talking about our primary option (i.e. physical transmission media) we are able to establish a huge MAN layout that is based on fiber optic based communication medium to establish a connection among all the chains of Star Clothing Business. However, this alternative is considered to be extremely costly. Additionally, this technology based connectively will definitely require massive investment and will excessively augment the expenses of overall network arran gement. Thus, in case of business store distribution all through the nation it becomes almost impractical to establish and adopt such kind of network technology.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic Essay

Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic - Essay Example However, the Italian government responded by their letter of 08 July 1997 and denied that it was necessary to amend their national legislation and free movement in all Member States was guaranteed only for the products which complied with Article 30. The European Commission disagreed with the response of the Italian government and sent the Italy a formal notice on 22 December 1997asking it to comply with its obligation under Article 30 of the EC Treaty within two months. However, the Italian government stood its ground and refused to oblige. The legal issue is that chocolate products containing vegetable fats other than cocoa butter up to a maximum of 5% of the total weight of the product is manufactured as chocolate in Member States such as Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Sweden, Finland and the United Kingdom, and it is accepted under this name in all the Member States except Spain and Italy. The Commission also takes the view that the obligation under the Italian legislation to market cocoa and chocolate products containing vegetable fats other than cocoa butter under the name chocolate substitute significantly obstructs their access to the Italian market. The court's answer to the issue is based on the principle of law.