Thursday, December 26, 2019
What Is Innovation State Two Innovations That Has...
Question:1 What is Innovation? State two Innovations that has revolutionised the current market in the last decade? The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value for which consumers will pay is called an innovation, an idea must be replicable at an economical cost and must satisfy a specific need. Innovation involves deliberal application of information, imagination and initiative in deriving different values from resources, and includes all processes by which new ideas are generated and converted into useful products. In a social context, innovation helps to create new methods for alliance creation, joint venturing, flexible work hours, and creation of buyers purchasing power. Explorer inflatable Craft: Placing jet boat power unit on one of the worldââ¬â¢s most reliable and serviceable car engines is the kind of smart thinking that has led an innovative Kumeu company to the verge of major international expansion. Smoked chicken leg just the meal Leading poultry producer Tegel Foods was keen to expand its export markets but first it had to extend the shelf life of its products to overcome the impact of long-distance travel from New Zealand. Question:2 Explain the difference between Invention and Innovation? Which do you consider the most important and why? Invention: Invention is creating a product or introducing a process for the first time. Thomas Alva Edison Is an inventor of electric bulb. Innovation: Innovation isShow MoreRelatedMarketing Design and Innovation2988 Words à |à 12 Pagesand the Development over time 6 Current Market Scenario 10 Customer Segmentation 10 Price Differentiation 11 Market Segmentation 11 The Future Outlook 12 Conclusion 12 Bibliography 13 Executive Summary An attempt has been made through this paper to understand the evolution and development of televisions from the marketing perspective. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Capital Punishment Is The Sentence Of Death Penalty
Capital punishment is the sentence of death, or practice of execution, passed on as penalty for an illegal offense by a state is being exacted to accelerating criticism. In 2008, the United Nations adopted a verdict (62/149) asking for a ban on the employing of capital punishment, however fifty-eight countries, including the United States and China, still make use of the death penalty. The topic remains highly disputed. However, if the benefit of the death penalty as an impediment is considered, we would comprehend that there is no reason to abrogate it because it is greatly effective for the most abhorrent crimes. Dr. William A Petit Jr. and Cheshire, New Jersey as an entity would never forget the day, July 23, 2007.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Dr. Petit was a bit more fortuitous and managed to escape, breaking his arms in the procedure and escaped from the purgatory. Sadly, the flames amongst excruciating screams, which persist to hunt him, consumed his family. The scofflaws were quickly captured as the police were impending the scene as they were trying to desert the scene. Three innocent citizens had been very cruelly murdered and Dr. Petit lost his whole family in one day, therefore due process of the law had to be carried out. Mr. Komisarjevsky and Mr. Hayes could not be allowed to get away with these atrocities. Also, their case had to be used as a disincentive for comparable forthcoming disputes. It is evident that Mr. Hayes and Mr. Komisarjevsky were parolees: convicts discharged provisionally on the foundation of good behavior that actually met at a Connecticut halfway house. They had been to prison before for less dignified crimes and it allegedly didnââ¬â¢t improve them since they accredited to worse offenses. Komisarjevsky alleged that it was just meant to be a robbery, but Hayes got paranoid that the police might trace the DNA they left via the sex assault back to them and then concluded they had to kill the v ictims, but no matter what arose, it doesnââ¬â¢t change the fact that they purposely sent three innocent people, to their undue, gradual, painful deaths. This crime did a lot of damage to the faction for the
Monday, December 9, 2019
International Economics Trade Theory and Policy
Question: Discuss about the International Economics Trade for Theory and Policy. Answer: Introduction A natural monopoly is described as a different type of monopoly that takes place when there are tremendously high fixed costs of distribution. A natural monopoly takes place in such industries that requires raw materials as well as other identical factors in order to operate. As a result, government allows natural monopolies to exist as they find it sensible for an economy. The most popular example of natural monopoly is that of utility industry. Natural monopolies mostly takes place due to high cost structure in the industries (Vikharev, 2013). The essay provides a brief overview about why governments may want to set the price charged by natural monopolies at the level where the demand curve cuts the average total cost curve. Limited resources of an industry are used by natural monopolies in an efficient manner in order to offer the lowest unit price to customers (Nizovtseva, 2013). The market structure is analysed along with the extreme forms of market that includes both perfect competition as well as monopoly. The essay highlights about the regulation of the government and also economies of scale under natural monopoly. Analysis Market structure in economics is defined as the organizational and other features of a market. A monopoly is a market structure in which there is a single producer or seller of a commodity. Entry into such a market is limited due to higher costs as well as other impediments that may be both economic and social. Government mostly generates a monopoly over an industry that is desires to control, for example electricity (Dunne, Klimek, Roberts, Xu, 2013). The above figure shows the monopoly market structure where there is a single producer as well as seller of a particular product. As such, under this market structure there is no difference between a firm and an industry. Super-normal profits are maintained in the long-run under the monopoly market structure. At profit maximization, MC = MR where price is P and output Q*. The price AR is above ATC at Q*, where super-normal profits takes place (Williams, 2016). Another extreme form of market structure is perfect competition that is also regarded as a hypothetical market where there is large number of competition. Under this market structure, there is no barrier to entry and exit where the firms produce homogeneous and similar products. Under perfect competitive market structure, there are several firms in the market and there is no need for regulation of the government. There is perfect knowledge with no information failure as well as time lags in the flow of information. Under this market structure, the sellers do not have an independent price policy (Thomas, Lubinda, Angula, 2015). The diagram shows the change of a firm from a perfectly competitive market to a monopoly market. Firms mostly earn normal profits under this market structure where price is equal to the marginal cost. Firms mostly produce a quantity of Qm at a price Pm. The intersection of the demand and supply curve helps to evaluate the price and quantity of a product. The diagram shows that demand no longer stays perfectly elastic when it is shifted from perfectly competitive market to a monopoly market. Under the monopoly market structure, marginal revenue curve is below the average revenue curve (Boeri Van Ours, 2013). The structure of a market is imperative to be acknowledged for a firm as it helps to determine the overall firms in the market. It also helps to conclude the extent to which the industry is vertically integrated. Under this market structure, economies of scale are very efficient so that minimum effectual scale is not accomplished. The lowest level of output at which all scale economies are exploited are termed as minimum efficient of scale. MES can only be accomplished when a single firm is able to compete in the market. The government has a tendency to nationalize and regulate the economy, as there is a prospect to exploit the monopoly power. The disadvantages that are associated with natural monopoly are that it includes low quality commodities as well as higher prices. The lack of competition under natural monopoly leads to low quality goods as well as out-dated services (Gronberg, Jansen, Karakaplan, Taylor, 2015). The government of each nation has been intervening in the market for natural monopoly from long time. Natural monopoly has been benefitting the nation by its properties of economies of scale. But there is market failure associated with this system (Krugman, Obstfeld, Melitz, 2015). As monopolists are the sole producer of the goods they always try to grab the maximum consumer surplus by keeping their price at very high level. Since at this price most of the people cannot afford to get the services and goods at that high price hence there occurs market failure and the government needs to intervene in this situation to enhance the situation. The monopoly market is characterized with allocative inefficiency. The situation where the average revenue of the firm and the marginal cost of the same get balanced or equated is known as allocative efficiency (Browning Zupan, 2014). It is the situation where the total consumers demand gets balanced by the total production in the economy. The objectives behind the government to intervene in the situation of natural monopoly are as follows: Reducing the dead-weight loss of the society and creating conditions to improve the welfare of the society as well. In other words it can be said that the government tries to maintain an efficiency and balance in the society by creating a situation that lies in between the two extreme situations of perfect competition, the utopian situation and the absolute monopoly (Miller, 2016). The diagram below is going to help in understanding the situation and the benefits of the government intervention. The diagram above shows that Ps is the competitive price of the market where the marginal cost curve and the demand curve intersects. Qs is the output under perfect competition. Under the situation of absolute monopoly, Pm is the price that is quite above the Ps. Qm is quantity of the monopoly market. As seen from the diagram the quantity produced is quite lower than the quantity that has been produced by the perfect competition. Now when the government intervenes the price is set at the point where the two curves namely the long run average total cost curve and the demand curve of the monopolist firm intersects. At this point the price is Pg that is in between the monopolist and perfect competition price. Also the quantity of the natural monopoly firm produced with the government intervention also increased to Qg from the original quantity Qm. Under certain situation the government has to take up the duty of providing certain services to the consumers in order to maintain and regula te the services and goods provided to the people (Minamihashi, (2012).). Some of the markets where natural monopoly exists are: market for railway services, defense industry and electricity service at certain times. The market of natural monopoly can be regulated by the government through three different channels (Nash, 2015). They are: Direct regulation: There are certain sectors in the economy which are strictly under the control of the government. The government of any nation usually does not allow any other private sector company to intervene in providing the services and goods due to some high cost and risk associated with it (Stigler Mencken, 2016). Say for example, the defense industry is usually controlled by the government of the respective nation. If this industry is given to the private sector to regulate then they may either charge extreme high cost for providing the service or it may affect the quality of the services provided by them. Price regulation: The system of price regulation is quite often taken into consideration for curbing the problems of the natural monopoly. Usually price regulation is a situation where the prices of goods and services are quoted by the higher authority specially the government of the country (Stiglitz, 2015). Prices can be quoted in two ways namely by price ceiling and price flooring. The price flooring is usually used to protect the exploitation carried on the workers by setting the minimum wages that the company must pay to its employees. In the market of natural monopoly the price ceiling is used. The government quotes the maximum price that the monopolist can charge. That price is usually quoted at the point of intersection between the demand curve and the average total cost curve. Quota or quantity regulation: Through the system of quota the government tries to regularize the quantity supplied in the natural monopoly market which would otherwise be not supplied (Weyl Fabinger, 2013). Quota is the minimum amount of goods and services that the company must or firms must produce in order to operate in the market. Here in the diagram if the government fixes the quota at Qg then automatically the prices gets reduced at Pg from Pm. Under this scenario if the monopolist argues and tries to keep the price at the Pm then there is going to be a huge surplus in the economy by the amount of (Qg-Qm). The resultant effect of the government intervention in this market is the reduction in the dead-weight loss. The present reduced dead-weight loss to the society is highlighted by the small triangle EFG. Conclusion The whole essay can be summed up by stating few facts once again. It is that the market for monopoly is associated with the severe problem of market failure. The utopian situation of perfect competition is the most desirable scenario from consumers perspective whereas from the producers viewpoint the monopoly is the best market. The government of the any country always intervenes in the natural monopoly market to provide a feasible outcome in the economy. A third option is left out with the government to improve the situation. It is the method of encouraging research and development in the economy. Only an huge escalation in the existing technology can save the economy from the high production cost and thereby break up the natural monopoly structure. References Boeri, T., Van Ours, J. (2013). The economics of imperfect labor markets. Princeton University Press. Browning, E. K., Zupan, M. A. (2014). Microeconomics: Theory and Applications. . Wiley Global Education. Dunne, T., Klimek, S. D., Roberts, M. J., Xu, D. Y. (2013). Entry, exit, and the determinants of market structure. . The RAND Journal of Economics, , 44(3), 462-487. Gronberg, T. J., Jansen, D. W., Karakaplan, M. U., Taylor, L. L. (2015). School district consolidation: Market concentration and the scale?efficiency tradeoff. Southern Economic Journal, 82(2), , 580-597. Krugman, P. O. (2015). International trade: theory and policy. Pearson. Pearson. Krugman, P. R., Obstfeld, M., Melitz, M. (2015). International trade: theory and policy. Pearson. Miller, A. (2016). Promoting Economically Efficient Use of, and Investment in, Infrastructure in Australia: The Role of the'Essential Facilities' Regime. Promoting Economically Efficient Use of, and Investment in, Infrastructure in Australia. . Minamihashi, N. ( (2012).). Natural monopoly and distorted competition: evidence from unbundling fiber-optic networks. . Nash, C. (2015). The evolving global railway industry. The Routledge Companion. Nizovtseva, I. (2013). Index of the economic interaction effectiveness between the natural monopoly and regions. I. Math Model. Stigler, G., Mencken, H. (2016). PAM 3170 PAM 5170: Market Regulation and Public Policy . . Spring . Stiglitz, J. . (2015). Economics of the Public Sector: Fourth International Student Edition. WW Norton Company. Thomas, B., Lubinda, M., Angula, M. (2015). Principles of microeconomics. Vikharev, S. (2013). Verification of mathematical model of development cooperation programs between natural monopoly and regional authorities. Weyl, E., Fabinger, M. (2013). Pass-through as an economic tool: Principles of incidence under imperfect competition. Journal of Political Economy . 528-83. Williams, J. (2016). Economic insights on market structure and competition. Addiction, 111(12), . , 2094-2095.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Writer Carol Ann Duffy Essay Example
Writer: Carol Ann Duffy Paper The original story of Beauty and the Beast, teaches its young audience not to judge people by their appearances. Despite how a person may look on the outside, beauty comes from within. Carol Ann Duffys dramatic monologue, Mrs Beast is a complete contrast to the original fairytale. The Beast in the original is misunderstood but kind, loving and generous, as he is in Duffys version. Belleon the other hand has transformed from a kind and loving, young girl that views the world with childlike innocence, into an independent, cold hearted, power hungry, sadist. She introduces herself firstly by comparing her beauty to that of other beautiful and influential women throughout history stare into my face -Helens face, Cleopatras, Gaze into my eyes -Nefertitis, Mona Lisas, Garbos These are all beautiful women whos downfalls were caused indirectly, by the actions of the men in their lives. Mrs Beast continues and tells the reader to think again. Implying that although she is as beautiful as these women, she is not to be underestimated, she is not like them and will not befall the same fate. Before the first stanza comes to an end you are already witness to Mrs Beasts resentment towards the male species, she makes a mockery of The Little Mermaid, who alters herself in order to impress the Prince. Through the use of alliteration she describes the ordeal of The Mermaids transformation, she slits her shining, silver tail in two, rubbed salt/ into that stinking wound, got up and walked, and then despite the agony, stands, puts on a smile and dances for the Prince, only for him to throw her overboard. theyre bastards when theyre Princes. We will write a custom essay sample on Writer: Carol Ann Duffy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Writer: Carol Ann Duffy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Writer: Carol Ann Duffy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The manner in which Duffy presents Mrs Beast makes it obvious that the dark humour, satire and puns shown throughout the poem are intentional and the opinion of Mrs Beast herself, she is that kind of person. Her mockery and references to the stinking fishy wound, the fish net tights and throwing the mermaid overboard back to the sea reflect her amusement at the stupidity of other females. Yet at the same time, she has obviously experienced this situation herself: I could have told her look, love, I should know, In the second stanza Mrs Beast approaches the House of the Beast, she seems sure of herself or wants to give that impression she is independent, knows her own mind and is prepared to leave at the hint of any negative attitude from the Beast. The Beast expresses his gratitude by falling to his knees and kissing her glove with his mongrel lips good and tears in his eyes, .. he knew he was blessed better. The ending statements show that this pleases her, as does his erection which is the .. size of a mules best. It is obvious from Mrs Beast reaction to each of his declarations of adoration that it is his erection and her power over him that impresses her most, and seeing as she already has wealth and beauty those are the very reasons that she is here. Mrs Beast reinforces the imagery of her power in the third stanza. She informs us that she is in charge as she tells the reader The lady says Do this. Harder. The lady says Do that . Faster. The pig in her bed was invited. and if he fouled the sheets then, hed wash them. Twice. Despite the Beasts subservience and his desire to please, Mrs Beast is continuously cruel with the style in which she describes him, and you can imagine that she addresses him in the same manner. She describes him as being ugly as sin and seems in some ways repulsed when referring to his breath being that of a goat, his horrid leather tongue scouring between her toes and his hooked and yellow claws.. Mrs Beasts graphic description is successful in transferring her repulsion to the reader/listener. Why would a strong, independent women choose to set up home with a disgusting Beast of a man? Mrs Beast reminds you of her reasoning in the final lines of this stanza, the Beast favours that of a well endowed, wild animal in the bedroom: Here was a bit of him like a horse, a ram/ an ape, a wolf, a dog, a donkey, dragon, dinosaur/ Need I say more? Unsurprisingly Mrs Beasts associates are just as strong, independent and successful as she is, and it is obvious through her expressions that she rates herself and these other women highly : I watched those wonderful women We were hard school, tough as fuck, all of us beautiful and rich Bad girls. Serious ladies. Mrs Beast implies that for every strong, independent women, there will be another that has been negatively affected by mans actions. .. behind each player stood a line of ghosts/ unable to win. Duffy ensures that this hits home by including well known, historical and fictional characters from varying eras Eve Marilyn Monroe Snow White, Diana Princess of Wales. Mrs Beasts Poker nights add a contemporary feel to the poem, and like other poems featured in The Worlds Wife draw you back to modern day. The words and layout used during the Poker game allow you to feel the rising tension in the air during play. Throughout the game the Beast has been completely forgotten, by both Mrs Beast and her listeners, he is unimportant and dismissed from sight and thought unless needed. He sheepishly returns to the table in order to deliver drinks. In the final stanza Mrs Beast makes a comment: .. words for the lost, the captive beautiful, the wives, those less fortunate than we. Duffy may be using this sentence in reference to the other wives within the book who were less fortunate. Mrs Beast is definitely directing her passage at a female audience, when talking to her listeners she refers to them as .. girls. she is instructing female listeners to take heed and listen to her advice theyre bastards when theyre Princes. / What you want to do is find yourself a Beast She implies that good looking guys will treat you badly, whereas the ugly ones are not only better in bed but will also do as theyre told. Mrs Beast rebels against a male dominated society, she doesnt want to be perceived as the weak female. She ensures that she is the dominate one in all aspects of their relationship. She has successfully maintained her independence and power, yet goes to the extreme and develops the same aggressive male traits that she herself has judged. In order to protect her own insecurities, Mrs Beast has become cold hearted and unfeeling Let the less loving one be me. She treats the Beast this way, not only because he allows her, but because if she loves him less, then she herself cannot be hurt.
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