Sunday, May 24, 2020

Homeless Families Free Essay Example, 2000 words

Homelessness can lead to students to feel disconnected and isolated from school, and they tend to be shy and quiet. This is caused when the homeless person tries to reflect that he or she will never have shelter to live under forever. These lead to psychological issues like low self-esteem, increase in substance abuse, increased chances of involving themselves in crimes, behavioral problems, loss of will and ability to care for himself or herself and increased the danger of violence and abuse, among others. In addition, school attendance is low among the homeless children, this is brought about by frequent moving from one household to another, resulting in students to have to select between options of commuting for long hours or transferring schools. Therefore, it is the responsibility of advocates, educators and the community at large to make sure that these students get the necessary help in school. This can be through the provision of basic needs and other social skills to enable them to lead normal lives minus the fear of being discriminated. Task 2 Interventions may include funding facilities in school so as to provide the basic needs of homeless students, this may include breakfast and lunch provision. We will write a custom essay sample on Homeless Families or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page So, the teacher must make sure that homeless students have their materials and workplace. Instead of being annoyed that their writing desks are disorganized, show them how to organize their stuff more constructively. Moreover, a teacher must also be capable of linking the gap between schools if a homeless student moves. This is done by locating the school the student has moved to and initiate communication with the new teacher and the staff at the school.

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